In the past decade the New Hampshire Historical Society has hosted more than 30 recipients of NERFC grants. These graduate students, faculty members, and other scholars from around the nation and abroad have conducted research in the Society’s collections. This past year the Society hosted two NERFC fellows with two more anticipated in the coming months. Robyn McMillan from the University of Oklahoma spent two weeks at the Society in August working on expanding her doctoral dissertation, “Science in the American Style, 1680-1815,” into a book. Last winter, Christine DeLucia, a doctoral candidate at Yale University, researched her dissertation topic, “The Memory Frontier: Making Past and Place in the Northeast after King Philip’s War.” Both researchers found our collections rich in pertinent material.
In recent years several NERFC scholars have published books or articles based in part on their research at the Society. Woody Holton’s book, Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution, and Francois Weil’s article, “John Farmer and the Making of American Genealogy,” in the New England Quarterly are two examples. Another recent grant recipient, Lynda Domino of Iowa State University, discovered many first-hand accounts of Civil War medical care including what she judged to be the best description of a leg amputation she had encountered in her research.